Sunday, April 1, 2012

Getting to know Christen... Featured Photographer!

I know it has been a while since I have any posts, and I am sorry for that! I have been so busy. Without anymore delay I want to get into our next featured photographer. This time we are going to get to know Christen Wrighter from Christen Wrighter Photography. She is an on location photographer from Hancock, New York.

Me: How long have you been doing photography (as a hobby and as a profession)?

Christen: I have always adored taking pictures. It really has always been a hobby, even when I was young with disposables. It became an obsession about 3 years ago and I decided to open my business 2 years ago.

Me: What inspired you to start doing photography?

Christen: I can say my children, my husband, my mom, or my heart; but as It strange as it may sound - the truth is: The internet. Don't laugh now, I'm really not one of 'those' photographers, but I have always been fascinated with photography and photographers and the more I researched, watched, read and looked the more intrigued I became.

Me: What are your favorite type of sessions to do and why? (ie: newborn, family, baby/children, engagement)

Christen: Seniors. Hands down. Don't get me wrong - infants, newborns, families - they are all awesome. There is something about the beauty in a teenager that I love to capture. They are so willing to do things and they are out to get the perfect shot just as much as you are.

Me: What would be your best advice to give people who are just starting out in the world of photography?

Christen: Practice. Read. Practice. Read. Seriously - I can't stress that enough. Reading the manual to your camera; no matter what brand or price; knowing your camera and how to use it correctly makes all the difference in the world. Practicing everyday, on anything or anyone can only help you become better. Auto is a dirty word to me anymore, and it show in your photos. Take everything slow, you won't regret it.

Me: Even professionals want to continually improve and better themselves, what is one thing in 2012 that you want to work on to make your work even better than it already is?

Christen: Marketing. This can make or break you. I would love to improve my marketing and utilize my blog more. I would also love the opportunity to visit other states to meet some of the wonderful photographers and mentors I have met through the Internet as well.

Me: When it comes to photography, what is your motto?

Christen: "The only photographer you should compare yourself to is the one you used to be" - I live by this. Comparing yourself to others will only get you down. All I keep in mind during a session is that I want to only get better. If each session is better than the last then I am a winner.

Please take the time to visit Christen's Facebook page and let her know Vintage Buttercup sent you!
You can find Christen Wrighter Photography's Facebook page by clicking here: Christen Wrighter Photography

You can find Christen's website by clicking here: Christen Wrighter Photography website

If you are interested in becomming a Featured Photographer on the Vintage Buttercup blog, please send an email to

Here are some beautiful pictures by Christen Wrighter Photography featuring a Vintage Buttercup headband!