Monday, May 28, 2012

It's been a while....

Hello Buttercup's, sorry it's been a while since I have posted! I have been so busy in my adventure of starting up the photography side of my business, and I am thrilled to have a moment to make a blog post finally.

I have so many fun projects planned for this summer, I am so excited! Some of it is still in the works so I can't really go into details yet.. but it's going to be AWESOME!! (I know, I'm sorry... I don't like when people tell me they have something to tell me but then tell me they can't tell me.. its just plain mean, sorry!) For now though, I will share some pictures and let you know some of what I will be up to soon.

In about a week I will be going on a train and riding 16 hours away from home to meet my husband where he works. You may be thinking why in the world does he work 16 hours away? Well he works in North Dakota for 2 weeks and then comes back home (Washington) for 2 weeks. It actually works well for us. We all miss each other like crazy when he is gone, but the 2 weeks with him home are always amazing. We get to spend more time together as a family this way, which most people don't realize.. they just focus on the 2 weeks he is gone, not the 2 weeks we have to do whatever. Anyway, back to talking about my trip.. I have never gone on a trip this far away on my own. I am excited and nervous at the same time LOL. We will be driving back and staying a few nights along the way. I am so happy to have some much needed alone time with my hubby.. we have never been on a vacation together so this is a first! (even though it is a "mini" vacation, it still counts to me!) I will miss my children so much, but this trip is going to be amazing. I will be going through some awesome terrain, going to be great for pictures! I will make sure to post some when I get back :-)

Before I leave I will be posting some pics from some of my sessions and I promise that I will post more often! Here are some random pics I have done of my family. Enjoy! And wish me luck on my adventure <3


Hope you all had a great Memorial day weekend.. Also, thank you to all of the active duty military and all of the veterans. Thank you to all those that have lost their lives making the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, you will never be forgotten! And, thank you to all the families that are the support and backbone for those serving. <3

Amber Tyler
Owner/ Designer/ Photographer

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Find Vintage Buttercup Photography
Find Vintage Buttercup Boutique